Marcos & Adina Katz
Mordechai David (Marcos) Katz z"l (1927-2016) was a Zionist and prominent businessman active in Mexico and Israel. He was a Holocaust survivor who was sent as a youth on Aliyah to the Kfar HaNoar HaDati, a religious youth village. In 1947 he joined his parents in Mexico where he became involved in community life, ultimately becoming one of its leaders. Together with Adina, he invested much of his vitality, time and resources to Jewish education in Mexico, Israel and the US.The Katz Prize for the application of Halakha to modern-day life was founded in 1975 by Marcos z"l and Adina in memory of Marcos' mother, Golda Katz z"l. Adina and Marcos z"l Katz were very involved in the development of the Mexican Jewish community, founding Mexico City's Holocaust Museum and Yeshivat Emuna, the largest religious zionist school in Mexico, with 500 students.
In Israel, Marcos z"l and Adina donated scholarships to the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Midreshiyat Noam and made contributions to Yad VaShem Holocaust Museum, Bar Ilan University, Har Etzion Yeshiva Library, Ezer Mizion, the Israeli Presidential Conference, Shaarei Zedek Medical Center, Jerusalem Great Synagogue, Mercaz HaRav Kook Yeshiva and Sunrise – activities for juvenile cancer patients and their families. In the US, The Katz couple supported New York's Yeshiva University and the girls' Brooklyn-based Bnot Zion of Bobov. Marcos z"l received a number of honors for his enormous contribution to Jewish life including: Honorary Doctorate from Bar Ilan University, Honorary Doctorate in Law from Yeshiva University, Keter Shem Tov from the Orthodox Union, and the National Order of the Legion of Honor of the French Republic.
Marcos z"l was the Chairman and was one of the founders of the Mexico-Israel Chamber of Commerce. In addition, he was the driving force behind the Mexico-Israel and Mexico-US trade agreements. The Adina and Marcos Katz Family Foundation continues to coordinate the Katz's philanthropic activities in Israel and around the world.

קרן כץ
Katz Foundation
Marcos and Adina Katz